Sunday, February 10, 2013

To do Insanity or not to do Insanity? That is the question

My biggest fear- failing.  Starting this program and not finishing it.

I have been in this limbo of 10-15 pounds over my "happy weight" for a little bit now (not too long, but long enough).  For years I was an exercise beast!  Up at 4:45 in the morning.  An hour to an hour and half 6 days a week (twice a day 3 times a week).  AND, I was a food Nazi.  I wouldn't touch anything that had a trace of fat in it.  The results- amazing!  I was in the best shape of my life and I loved my body.  I met J in my tip top form.  We met in the summer, at the river, and in my bathing suit.  Of course I was tan, which always makes everything look better!

Fast forward a few years (almost 6), and I have extra weight, extra body fat, and am out of shape.  I like sleeping in, so waking up early to workout has become a chore, I don't like to sweat  (my recent exercise choice has been Pilates) and I am definitely more lax about what I eat.  I enjoy my food and wine (alot).  Sooooo, now what?

J bought Insanity.  He bought it a few months ago and it sat in a box in the corner of the living room collecting dust.  Now, he completed P90X a few years ago (and looked amazing), but for the most part he is currently more out of shape and has worse eating habits than I do. BUT, he's a dude.  He still looks good!

For the last 2 weeks he has been bugging me to try it.  I had been adamant with my 'NO' and wouldn't even consider it.  It's everything that I do not like about working out.  However, what I AM doing, is clearly not working.

I don't know what exactly peaked my interest, but yesterday I started reading online reviews about INSANITY.  I wasn't interested in what the men had to say, but really wanted to hear and see the results of women.  I was pretty impressed, and what these women said about the program began to motivate me.  People that were severely overweight and out of shape were doing it and succeeding with great results.  If they can do it, surely I can???  I think......

At some point last night,  I committed to trying it.  I was a little nervous because I'm going on vacation next week for a few days.  But J suggested  I start today, get 1 full week in and then adjust after vacation.  Ok!  Then, I decided I'm going to chronicle this experience with pictures, and writing, and measurements.... and maybe even I'll take it a step further and blog about it.  That will hold me accountable, right??  I don't know.  I'm still scared.  Scared I won't finish the program, scared I won't stick to it.  I don't know why.  I'm the type of person that will follow through.  And I am definitely the type of person that is results driven.  If I see results, I will be convinced.

So, here we go.  This morning I did the Fit Test.  I wasn't going to, but again, J encouraged me to do it. Plus it was only 25 minutes!  Knowing I'd be done in just a short half an hour was enticing.  The Fit Test consisted of 8 exercises, in which you are given 1 minute to perform as many as you can.  I did ok.  Not great, but not awful either.  Here are my results:

Switch Kicks: 100 (I may have lost count and it could have been 120, but I don't thinks so)
Power Jacks: 35
Power Knees:  72
Power Jumps: 27 (This is when I started getting really tired)
Globe Jumps: 8 (More tired)
Suicide Jumps: 11 (Not so good)
Push Up Jacks: 24 (I couldn't get very low in my push up)
Low Plank Oblique: 40

That's it!  25 minutes and I was done.  I was exhausted.  I actually felt nauseous around the power jumps.  I think it was spurred by the half a bottle of water I had just downed which I felt sloshing around in my stomach. Gross!  I sat in between exercises, which felt like heaven.  And the stretching at the end was nice.  I literally fell onto the couch when it was over.  My legs gave way.  I was exhausted.  My heart was racing.  But, I am so glad I did the Fit Test and I am glad I was Tempted by Insanity.  If I stick to it (no, when I stick to it), I know that I'm going to be happy with the results.  I'll be ready for summer and ready for the river!

I'm not brave enough to post pictures or measurements for all to see (at this point).  Hopefully as I make progress I'll get there.  Maybe, as you see my progress, you will be Tempted by Insanity??

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